



integrative approach, future teachers of labor education and technology, embroidery, carpet weaving, training, high school students.


The article examines the effectiveness of an integrative approach to teaching embroidery and carpet making for the development of creative abilities of high school students. Attention is focused on determining the essence of the integrative approach, the advantages of using it in education and its direct application in the development of the creative abilities of high school students by means of embroidery and carpet making. An analysis of the teacher's role in the implementation of the integrative approach and its impact on the development of students' creative abilities is provided. It was determined that the integrative approach is a promising direction for stimulating creativity, independence and the development of creative abilities of high school students in technology lessons when learning embroidery and carpet making. The results of the article provide prospects for further research and implementation of an integrative approach in the educational process with the aim of forming the creative personality of high school students in the field of decorative and applied creativity, in particular, embroidery and carpet weaving. It was found that an integrative approach in teaching embroidery and carpet making is a key factor in the development of creative abilities of high school students. During the lessons, where this approach was applied, it was noted that students have the opportunity not only to acquire practical skills in embroidery and carpet making, but also to develop their creativity and self-expression. The combination of different artistic techniques and disciplines is characterized as helping students to see the connection between different aspects of decorative and applied arts, which has a positive effect on their deep understanding and creative thinking. The results of the article provide prospects for further research and implementation of an integrative approach in the educational process with the aim of forming the creative personality of high school students in the field of decorative and applied creativity, in particular, embroidery and carpet weaving.


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