


internally displaced persons (IDP), occupied territories, social and psychological adaptation, integration, war, Ukraine.


In the context of an ongoing war, Ukraine has faced the acute issue of internally displaced persons (IDPs), necessitating a comprehensive approach to their adaptation and integration. This article aims to explore and analyze the state of social and psychological adaptation of internally displaced persons from the occupied territories of Ukraine to identify and systematize the barriers they face, as well as the factors that will facilitate their adaptation and integration into the new environment of the host community. The work defines the criteria and indicators of the social and psychological adaptation of IDPs, such as material-living, socio-legal, activity-motivational, and socio-psychological. In particular, it highlights that effective adaptation of IDPs depends not only on meeting basic needs but also on the support of host communities, access to educational and social services, and inclusion in social life. A survey conducted among IDPs from the occupied territories revealed several barriers, including housing problems, employment issues, access to medical and educational services, financial difficulties, disruption of social and family ties, and the unwillingness of some communities to support IDPs. It was found that the motivation to choose more active behavioral strategies in the context of their social and psychological adaptation to the conditions of the host community and integration into it depends on the motivation of IDPs from the occupied territories to stay in their new place of residence and the age of the respondents. It was determined that effective adaptation and integration depend on a comprehensive approach, which includes meeting basic needs, psychological support, facilitation in employment, and integration into local communities. Special attention is given to the role of educational institutions and local governance in the process of adaptation and integration of IDPs, their participation in the development of host communities, and the reconstruction of post-conflict regions. The article calls for further research into the impact of war on the socio-economic development of the country and the lives of IDPs, as well as the development of innovative solutions for their social adaptation and integration.


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