kinematics, path, motion, stopping point, analytical and graphical methodAbstract
When studying the kinematics of point motion, students often encounter difficulties in understanding the basic concepts of «displacement» and «path». This article proposes an effective approach to studying these important concepts through the detailed analysis of a one-dimensional problem. To facilitate the learning process, two solution methods are used: geometric and analytical. Comparing these approaches allows students to understand their characteristics and choose the most effective method for specific problem conditions. The main focus of the paper is on calculating various motion parameters, such as velocity, stopping time, displacement, and path length, using the Wolfram Mathematica software environment. This software provides students with powerful analytical tools, allowing them to perform complex calculations, analyze results, and simulate various motion scenarios. Students can easily change parameters like initial speed, acceleration, or duration of movement and observe the resulting changes. This process enables a deeper understanding of physical phenomena. After conducting an analytical study, where students calculate motion parameters, using Excel to create graphs makes the learning process more interactive and visual. Excel’s capabilities allow students to easily visualize data through graphs that illustrate changes in motion parameters over time. This approach not only simplifies the learning of complex concepts but also promotes skill development in modern technologies for data analysis and modelling of physical processes, providing comprehensive learning that integrates both theory and practice. Thus, integrating computer technologies into the educational process enhances the quality of education, engages students, and prepares them to solve real-world problems in scientific and practical research.
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