



institution of higher education, sociocultural environment, future specialists of socionomic specialties


The article examines the issues of personality formation of future specialists in socionomic specialties, whose professionalism is characterized by the ability to actively adapt to the social environment, allowing to achieve high results in all spheres of life and the socio-cultural portrait of the student. The article provides a characteristic of the educational space of higher education in the system of concepts «space-social environment-socio-cultural environment», its potential and the importance of reviving historical, social and cultural traditions in order to improve the general and professional culture of students. The research revealed the possibilities of using the cultural potential of the sociocultural environment of higher education based on the attraction of the established national traditions of cultural education of the personality, the active introduction of the achieved culture, its universal and national values into the content of education. The author's view on the pedagogical aspect of the implementation of the process of professional training of future specialists of socionomic specialties in the conditions of the sociocultural environment of higher education is presented. Factors influencing the sociocultural environment on the process of professional training of future specialists in socionomic specialties, implemented in the process of attracting behavioral social activity through axiological, environmental, culturally responsible, activity, individual-personal context, are determined. The theoretical prerequisites for the successful formation and dynamic development of the sociocultural environment are analyzed, to which we refer the following set of propositions: the sociocultural environment of higher education is an integrative factor in the student's personal development; is a self-developing, dynamic system, internal development takes place in its structural elements, it carries out the process of accumulation of cultural experience; can be considered as an open system interacting with the external environment; this is a system formation that includes a number of structural and functional components that have their own organization; ensures the humanistic orientation of the formation of the spiritual world of the person, based on worldview humanitarian knowledge and humanistic values of the person and society.


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