case study, case management, competencies, social worker, educational processAbstract
The article examines the training of future social workers who possess not only knowledge directly related to professional activity, but also innovative approaches to solving current social problems. The author characterized a number of regulatory and legal documents that determine the qualification characteristics of a social worker, taking into account modern social requests and requirements. The professional and educational standards of the specialty 231 Social work were studied, which emphasize the need for the formation of key competencies of the future specialist, which ensure the acquisition of social and professional experience. It is noted that in the context of the training of a social worker, a promising educational strategy is open access to obtaining and producing the necessary information, understanding the details described in the case; analysis of problem situations, synthesis of arguments, options, alternatives; making constructive decisions. It has been investigated that modern case technologies ensure the formation of professional competencies of the future social worker. The case study is characterized as interactive, focused on cooperation and business partnership; an innovative and effective tool that provides a modern level of training of social sector specialists. The author presents the methodology of organizing practical classes with a focus on the formation of the competencies of the future social worker. A case study was chosen as the leading tool. An experimental study confirmed that the teaching of the course «Technology of social work» by the case-study method contributed to the improvement of the ability to differentiate clients' problems, to make effective decisions; teaches certain aspects of social sensitivity, a sense of problems that require a solution; forms the skills of analytical activity and the ability to develop action programs, which, in turn, motivates future specialists to respond adequately when the time comes to act in a real situation. The professional competences formed by the case method in the process of solving the research tasks were analyzed and ascertained: analytical, creative, communicative, social. The main advantages of the case study as a modern tool for the formation of professional competences have been determined.
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