assistance, support, socio-psychological support, internally displaced persons, systematic approach, structure of support, functions of supportAbstract
The article provides a theoretical and methodological analysis of the concept of «social-psychological support» in the context of the modern scientific paradigm. A detailed review of statistical data on internally displaced persons in Ukraine in recent years was carried out, which made it possible to outline the main challenges faced by people forced to leave their homes. The strategies of socio-psychological support of internally displaced persons are defined, and their necessity and social significance in the conditions of the modern crisis are noted. Combined analysis and comparison of concepts such as «help», «support» and «support» followed by a study of different approaches to defining the definition of «social-psychological support». The author's proposed definition of this term considers modern realities and work specifics with internally displaced persons. The structure of socio-psychological support is outlined, which includes the following components: diagnostic-targeted, operational-instrumental, communitycommunicative, and assessment-corrective. The functional aspects of support, which include psychological support, social adaptation, psychosocial rehabilitation, advisory assistance, facilitating interaction with other social services, restoring family and community ties, and promoting self-sufficiency and self-realization of individuals, are analyzed in detail. The importance of monitoring and evaluating the results of socio-psychological support is emphasized separately. The study focuses on the peculiarities of providing social and psychological support for internally displaced persons in modern conditions based on the legislative framework of Ukraine. The need to implement and improve social and psychological support practices as an essential tool for integrating internally displaced persons into society is emphasized. The autonomous place of the concept of «social-psychological support» in the modern scientific paradigm has been proven.
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