social development, society, freedom, preschooler, Maria MontessoriAbstract
The article examines and analyzes the features of social development in preschool children through the lens of the pedagogical ideas of the outstanding Italian educator Maria Montessori. The fundamental principles of the Montessori method include freedom, independence, child responsibility, love, and respect for others and the world. This foundation allows children to develop their natural inner potential and social skills. During the research, we identified the main components of social development in a Montessori environment, including the creation of a specially organized space where children can freely choose their activities, make decisions, and carry out tasks independently or in groups, as well as establishing classroom rules that align with moral norms and societal standards. Freedom in Maria Montessori's method serves as a unique key to forming healthy personalities in children. We explained the essence of each type of freedom within the Montessori environment and provided examples of their practical application and influence on the social development of preschoolers. Attention was drawn to the role of the adult in the process of the child's social development: the educator acts as a facilitator, providing support, guidance, and assistance, but does not interfere with the child's natural development process. One of the most distinctive features of social development in preschoolers based on Maria Montessori's pedagogical ideas is that this process occurs in mixed-age, diverse groups of children. As a result, this allows children to gain rich experiences interacting with various personalities differing in age, gender, and intellectual development levels. To enhance the effectiveness of social development in preschoolers, we believe it is appropriate to apply the pedagogical ideas of Maria Montessori, which have been thoroughly researched in this article. Their application helps children acquire the necessary personal and social qualities that will influence their successful realization as individuals in the future.
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