early swimming, system, evolutionary gymnastics, praxis, preschoolers, learningAbstract
Relevance of work. The direction of creating and developing a system of early intervention in the psychophysical development of children and significantly increasing their number with various features of psychophysical development should be considered particularly relevant. There was a need for a thorough discussion of the conceptual and methodological foundations of the early influence on the psychophysical development of children from birth to primary school age by means of physical education, based on the development of a holistic practical system. The purpose of the study is to formulate the conceptual and methodological foundations of using early swimming (according to the method of T. D. Azarenko) in the general system of evolutionary gymnastics (according to the method of M. M. Yefimenko) and to improve the correction of the psychophysical development of children, including children with special educational needs. The following research methods were used in the work: analysis and generalization of information sources, pedagogical observation, modeling of learning stages, comparison of psychomotor development of a child in the first year of life on land and in water. Evolutionary gymnastics was chosen as the conceptual basis. Of particular importance in this system is general praxis, which forms the basis of the so-called «Praxis Tree» in the form of supporting branches. Their timely development will in the future ensure fullfledged psychophysical development of the child and its successful socialization. The combination of general evolutionary gymnastics and early swimming techniques provides an opportunity to organize a full-fledged basis for the further harmonious psychophysical development of children. The results made it possible to reveal the theoretical and pedagogical foundations of evolutionary gymnastics as a holistic system of development of all types of praxis, its specific methodical foundations. The special role of the author's method of early children's swimming in the integral structure of evolutionary gymnastics is shown. Conclusions. In this way, the conceptual and methodological foundations of the formation and correction of a single, ontogenetically determined, integrated practical system were created.
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