professional and speech culture, future specialists of preschool education, pedagogical support, principles, professional competencies, professionally oriented communicative and speech activityAbstract
In the conditions of the modern market economy, the skill of a specialist is determined not only by the general and professional competencies a person has developed, but also by professional and speech culture, which is an integral indicator of general culture. This is especially important for the profession of a preschool teacher who teaches and brings children up. Professional and speech culture indicates a readiness to constantly improve one’s knowledge, ability to work with children with different educational needs, ethnic characteristics, and to establish contacts with parents, colleagues, and other teachers. The article highlights the scientists’ understanding of the concept «support», and in particular «speech and pedagogical support», «communicative and speech support of training of future teachers», «psychological and pedagogical support of future teachers of preschool educational institutions». The results of the survey of applicants for the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education in the specialty 012 Preschool Education have been outlined. They generally showed the understanding of the important role of professional and speech culture in further pedagogical activity. It has been emphasized that pedagogical support of professional and speech culture formation of future specialists of preschool educational institutions is a multifaceted process of interaction. It includes assistance, consultation, mentoring, support of applicants in acquiring professional competencies, solving professional and pedagogical situations and problems, sharing experiences, monitoring, identifying internal resources for further professional and personal self-development, stimulating professionally oriented communicative and speech activity. The principles (professional motivation, systematicity, creativity and practical orientation, reflection, the relationship between the sensual and the rational in learning, nationality, speech activity) and the content of the implementation of support of professional and speech culture formation of future preschool teachers (interactive learning platforms, communication in online groups, individual support consultations for a student in preparation for independent work, practical classes; role-playing games, joint work on projects, communication trainings) have been described.
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