


innovativeness, educational process, physics, psychological and pedagogical conditions, formative assessment


The article reveals the essence of innovativeness as a key competence in the field of science education, which involves the ability to generate and embody new ideas in models, developments, and projects. It emphasizes that innovativeness is not just about creativity, but also about applying new knowledge and approaches in practice, making it essential for preparing students for future challenges in a rapidly changing world. The psychological readiness of students of basic general secondary education for research, project, and creative activities is characterized, highlighting the importance of fostering curiosity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. The results of an online survey of teachers from general secondary education institutions are presented, which indicate their understanding of the essence of innovative competence and openness to new ideas. This feedback demonstrates that teachers are increasingly aware of the need for fostering innovative competence in students and are motivated to implement innovative teaching strategies. The survey also shows that there is a growing recognition among educators of the importance of integrating modern technologies, interdisciplinary approaches, and student-centered learning in the educational process. Based on the content analysis of regulatory and legislative documents, scientific research, and psychological and pedagogical literature, the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of innovative competence in students of basic general secondary education in the process of learning physics are determined. These conditions include stimulating positive and productive motivation in students to master physical education, taking into account the achievements of science, the development of technologies, and the requirements of the labor market in the content of education. Such an approach ensures that students are prepared for both academic success and future professional challenges. Furthermore, the involvement of students in research (research, educational and research, research and experimental, design, invention), project, and interactive activities in accordance with the standards of education, educational, and training programs is emphasized. These activities not only engage students in the learning process but also help them develop the necessary skills for innovation. Active use of the latest pedagogical approaches to teaching and assessment, innovations in the field of education, the practice of interdisciplinary training, methods, and means of training are highlighted as essential tools for supporting innovative competence development. The article also discusses the organization of the educational process as a pedagogical interaction aimed at the development of the personality, preparing students to solve life tasks of various complexity. Examples of formative assessment of students in the process of teaching physics are given, which is used to track the personal development of students, their educational progress, and the process of gaining educational experience. This formative assessment is crucial as it serves as the basis for developing an individual educational trajectory, allowing teachers to support students in reaching their full potential. Through continuous feedback and adaptive teaching strategies, the educational process can be tailored to meet the unique needs of each student, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter and the development of innovative competencies.


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