


tolerance, junior schoolchildren, game activity, education of students


The article substantiates the relevance of the problem of forming tolerance in primary school students through game activities, outlines the features of modernization of the education system, identifies priority areas for the development and improvement of the educational process, in particular the introduction of personality-oriented learning, focus on individual student preferences, child-centeredness, humanization of interpersonal communication in the teacher-student and student-student systems, ensuring physical, psychological and information security. It is determined that the psychological and individual characteristics of primary school children create a favorable atmosphere for the formation of value orientations and the ability to establish interpersonal communication. The general approaches to the interpretation of the concept of «tolerance» in the system of modern education are analyzed. It is found that tolerance should be primarily considered as a personal quality that is formed only under the purposeful and systematic influence of a teacher or an adult. The formation of tolerance takes place not only in the classroom, but also includes extracurricular activities, social hours, excursions, etc. It has been determined that game activities contribute to the development of personal qualities, form the ability to interact effectively in society and resolve conflict situations peacefully. During the game, children model real situations, learn to empathize and support each other, which significantly increases the level of tolerance in the team. In order to successfully develop tolerance in primary school children, it is necessary not only to use innovative pedagogical methods, but also to ensure that the educational process is in line with the trends of modern society, individual needs and interests of students. The use of role-playing games, quests, trainings, and interactive exercises allows integrating values into the process of education and upbringing. Based on the analysis of the experience of modern scientists, it has been found that game activities have great educational potential in the context of forming tolerance in primary school students. Game technologies act not only as a tool for improving the efficiency of the educational process, but also as a means for shaping values and promoting the personal development of primary school students.


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