non-formal education technologies, higher education institutions, innovative approaches, professional competencies, modular learningAbstract
The conceptual foundations, significance, and relevance of teaching the course «Technologies of Non-formal Education» in higher education institutions in Ukraine amid the modernization and reform of the educational system were described in the article. Particular attention is given to how new learning approaches contribute to the formation of professional competencies among future specialists. The course aims to integrate principles of learning through practical experience, foster creativity, and develop skills that prepare students for the challenges of contemporary schooling. The study explores methods, tools, and technologies that can be used to activate students' learning activities, particularly during interactive classes and project work. A separate emphasis is placed on the role of integrating non-formal methodologies into the formal educational process and their significance for developing innovative educational practices. The article provides examples of non-formal education technologies, including the use of interactive methods, simulations, and group work, which promote active student engagement in the learning process. A survey conducted among students revealed that, despite their limited awareness of non-formal education, most expressed a positive attitude towards the implementation of non-formal methods and technologies in the educational process. The study also presents an analysis of scientific works related to the implementation of non-formal education and explores the possibilities of its use to enhance the effectiveness of student preparation. A comparison of the commonalities and differences between our study and others conducted in related fields demonstrated the relevance of the issue and its insufficient development. The hypotheses proposed in the article regarding increasing student motivation and engagement through the application of non-formal technologies and learning methods will be tested in further experimental studies.
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