


artificial intelligence, foreign language teaching, educational technologies, online learning, personalization of learning, automation


The article examines and analyses the methodological literature on the importance of using artificial intelligence tools in foreign language classes at a non-language higher education institution, as well as the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on teaching foreign languages, in particular, English. The authors analyze the potential of AI in the context of modern educational technologies and define its role in the educational process. Various AI tools that can be used in the educational process are considered: from online learning platforms (Duolingo, Babbel) to text translation and editing tools (Google Translate, Grammarly). The importance of using these resources in teaching a foreign language in a non-language educational institution is substantiated by the example of the discipline ‘Foreign (English) Language in Professional Activity’, which is taught in the first year of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the State Biotechnological University of Kharkiv. The authors emphasize that AI can greatly facilitate the work of teachers by automating routine tasks and personalizing the learning process for each student. However, the authors also point out that AI cannot completely replace the teacher, as if there is a teacher who provides emotional support to students and develops their communication skills and critical thinking. AI is seen as an effective tool that can complement traditional teaching methods rather than replace them. The article provides examples of the use of AI in the educational process, in particular, in the study of a foreign language in a non-language educational institution on the example of the discipline ‘Foreign (English) Language in Professional Activity’ taught at the first year of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the State Biotechnological University of Kharkiv. The authors present their development of tasks using AI tools as an example and analyze the results of research in this area. The authors conclude that AI has great potential for the development of education, but its implementation requires a balanced approach and consideration of the peculiarities of the educational process.


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