future specialists in the medical field, professional activity, integrity, system, system approach, system-holistic approachAbstract
The article reveals the problem of using a system-holistic approach in higher education. The importance of implementing a systemic approach to the educational process of training a future specialist in the medical field is outlined, as it contributes to the allocation of professional competencies, and therefore, the professionalism of all categories of medical workers. It is noted that «integrity» is the main component of the system. Scientists consider it as the internal unity of an object that is independent in relation to the social environment. Integrity is analyzed in two dimensions: as the internal essence of the object and its personal characteristics. The basic concepts of «system», «integrity», «systemic and holistic approach» are analyzed. Attention is focused on the fact that integrity is the internal unity of the phenomenon, which is expressed in its structure, independence, and systematicity. The interpretation of integrity as the main component of a system whose parts are in close connection with each other and form the integrity of its structure is considered. It has been studied that the system-holistic approach makes it possible to consider the researched activity as a dynamic system, the components of which are independent components and have their own purpose. It is noted that any component can exist in the system if it performs appropriate actions in the system. A systemic and holistic approach is analyzed, which is primarily aimed at solving the integrity of pedagogical phenomena, identifying in them multifaceted types of connections built into a single theoretical picture. A systemic and holistic approach to personality development is considered a priority in the educational practice of highly developed countries. It is noted that the system-holistic approach should be considered as a certain integrity that unites the content, goals and means aimed at the thorough development of the future specialist in the medical field. It has been proven that the introduction of a systemic and holistic approach to higher medical education is one of the important conceptual provisions, which is an organized set of forms, methods, goals, content, and conditions aimed at the comprehensive development of the future medical worker.
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