adaptation, modification, children with intellectual disabilities, individualized curriculum, individualized educational programAbstract
The article raises the issue of the need to adapt and modify educational material for children with intellectual disabilities. The topic of inclusion of children with different types of educational difficulties in the education system is raised. Considerable attention is focused on children with intellectual disabilities who usually study in specialised boarding schools, where the introduction of an inclusive educational environment is extremely important. The adaptation and modification of educational material for children with special educational needs should be based on the identification of students' intellectual capabilities. This work should be based on research and scientific papers, but very little attention has been paid to the issue of adaptation and modification of educational material for children with intellectual disabilities. Among the most significant are studies on intelligence and intellectual development conducted by domestic psychologists, including: H. Kostiuk, S. Maksymenko, I. Martyniuk, V. Moliarko, V. Syniov, M. Kholodna, D. Isaiev, A. Kataeva, V. Popov. In addition to domestic psychologists, Western psychologists J. Piaget, V. L. Stern, M. Wertheimer, and K. Dunker have made an important contribution to the study of intelligence. Planning for adaptations and modifications helps teachers to determine in advance how best to structure the lesson so that students feel comfortable working, how to select accessible materials for the lesson, how students should answer questions, and choose the types of exercises and activities available. To summarise, the preparation of educational material for children with special educational needs should be based on an analysis of the child's intellectual development and the individual curriculum and individual learning programme, which will determine the need to adapt or modify the educational process.
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