education, labor market, innovations, clusters, socio-economic developmentAbstract
Taking into account the current socio-economic conditions in Ukraine, the state requires universities to increase the level of training of specialists in priority areas for the country's economy. Universities must adapt their educational programs to ensure that the level of training of graduates meets the requirements of the labor market. Modernization of education in this context may involve the introduction of new learning methods (online learning, microlearning, gamification), the use of modern digital tools, close cooperation with employers in the development of new practical training programs and the implementation of dual education. This approach not only helps to increase the competitiveness of graduates, but also stimulates the development of the innovative economy and helps to solve urgent social problems. Stimulating the scientific work of teachers and students through involvement in research projects, grant funding, creation of favorable conditions for scientific research can turn Ukraine into a leader in scientific development. This will contribute not only to the development of innovative enterprises and the creation of new jobs, but will also increase the attractiveness of Ukrainian universities for foreign students and teachers. The key success factor in this matter is state support for the development of science. The modernization of the material and technical base of educational institutions, in particular the renewal of laboratory equipment, computer classes, libraries, the introduction of modern digital technologies, close cooperation with business are key steps in creating the necessary socio-economic conditions for the development of the country's education system. This will make it possible to meet the needs of those seeking education in the acquisition of competencies that meet the demands of the labor market, improve the quality of education, and contribute to the formation of a unified educational environment of universities and colleges on a cluster basis. In the conditions of globalization and digital transformation, the Ukrainian education system needs radical modernization. A promising direction of development is the creation of local educational clusters that unite educational institutions, businesses, and public organizations. The integration of education with production, the use of digital technologies, and focus on the development of key competencies will allow training competitive specialists and promote the development of an innovative economy. Educational programs of different levels of education ensure the continuity of students' knowledge, abilities and skills, and the compliance of education results with the requirements of society and the labor market. This contributes to the creation of conditions for equal and inclusive access to education for all segments of the population.
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