general scientific methodological approaches, multicultural education, synergistic approach, acmeological approach, systemic approach, future bachelors of primary education, higher pedagogical education institutionAbstract
The scientific review article analyzes scientific and pedagogical sources, identifies and theoretically substantiates general scientific methodological approaches to the study of multicultural education of future bachelors of primary education. Confirmation of the relevance of the issue of choosing general scientific methodological approaches to this study is revealed through the scientific, educational and social orientation of the problem of multicultural education of future specialists. The substantiation of general scientific methodological approaches will ensure the receipt of the most objective, accurate, systematized information about the object of study and will contribute to the scientific and methodological interpretation of its structural elements and properties, reveal important aspects of the practical organization of multicultural education of future bachelors of primary education. According to the author, the success of the professional training of future bachelors of primary education for the implementation of multicultural education in higher pedagogical education is ensured by general scientific methodological approaches, namely: synergistic, which will contribute to the renewal of the content, methods and forms of multicultural education in the educational environment of higher pedagogical education, will allow to predict the development of the individual in the professional field aimed at spiritual and moral enrichment through in-depth mastery of national and cultural traditions. The application of these general scientific methodological approaches will ensure a comprehensive, systematic, purposeful implementation of the process of multicultural education of future teachers.
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