


aesthetic competence, university students, pedagogical technology, professional disciplines, educational process


The article is devoted to the substantiation of the pedagogical technology of forming the aesthetic competence of students in the process of learning professional disciplines. The authors used the following methods: observation, surveys, questionnaires and interviews; the formation of students' aesthetic competence was studied, the potential of professional disciplines in the formation of students' aesthetic competence was monitored, the factors affecting this process, as well as the reasons that are obstacles to the aesthetic development of students' personalities. The authors assume the interpretation of «pedagogical technology» in the context of a number of approaches: firstly, scientific, according to which pedagogical technologies are a part of pedagogical science, which covers the study, development of educational goals, content and methods, carries out the design of pedagogical processes; secondly, descriptive, which describes the sequence of actions in achieving the defined goal with the use of defined methods; thirdly, effective, within which instrumental and methodological pedagogical tools function. Attention is focused on the position according to which the teaching technology is explained as a holistic phenomenon containing didactic, psychological, general pedagogical procedures, which are used to change the forms of behavior and activity of pupils. The focus of the educational process on the formation of students' aesthetic competence is achieved through the use of modern learning technologies, in particular modeling. According to the authors, a significant advantage of modeling is the ability to comprehensively approach the study of the pedagogical object, in particular, the aesthetic competence of students. Relying on a technological approach contributes to the development of a model for the formation of students' aesthetic competence in the process of learning professional disciplines. The goal of the pedagogical technology proposed by the authors is the formation of aesthetic competence of students in the process of learning professional disciplines. For the implementation of the technology, the following principles were taken into account: humanization and humanitarianization, value orientation, systematicity and complexity, aestheticization. Attention is drawn to the dominant role of art as a means of attracting the individual to spiritual values and to the importance of the principle of aestheticization in highlighting the aesthetic potential of professional disciplines and forming students' aesthetic attitude to learning. The following functions of pedagogical technology for the formation of students' aesthetic competence in the process of learning professional disciplines are distinguished: informational, educational and transformation functions. In order to implement the technology of forming the aesthetic competence of students in the process of teaching professional disciplines, a technological map was created as a description of the process in the form of a step-by-step sequential action (often in graphic form) with an indication of the tools used.


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